I've been thinking of what he said since I first watched this part month ago.. And if what I think is right.... *kya~*
This is from the Waterpark ep, if I'm not wrong ^^"
Buin has finished sewing the Gypsy vest for Shillang. He tried it on but quickly removed it causing Buin reacted a bit unsatisfied for his action (for me she seems a bit offended with that weirdly-controlled "WHY ??" looks...aa, cute unnie^^)
His reason: he feared he'll smear the new-handmade vest with ramen he was eating at that time... Wow. Simple (& blunt maybe) but I believed Buin was "touched" by that answer (she pulled off that "annoyed" face again...so cute! haha). Seriously, Buin has trouble controlling her facial expression when it comes to Shillang's unexpected replies (which, I found very amusing everytime she did. Haha.)
I guessed because he saw Buin's uneasy reaction, he wants to make up for it.. So he promised to wear the shirt when he's going to Thailand the next day...she requested him to take pictures as proof & mail them to her. It seems that they haven't exchange numbers when Shillang, without hesitation, asked for her phone number so that he can mail the proof to her ^^ Shillang must've been very busy during those time, since he mentioned he will fly to Japan right away after he returns from Thailand.. And Buin must have realized how tight her Shillang's schedule was.
That's when the above scenes follows.
Buin: How can you think of wife when you're so busy?Shillang: I'm not lying and...I do think of you at least 3 times a day..
O_O *gasp*
Ya~! He said "at least"!!!!
Don't you get it??
I must be, totally, over-wild-fancying... but I can only interpret that as...
"the least I was thinking of you was 3 times a day, but NORMALLY I do more than that~"
I'm not sure if Buin was trying hard not to over-expressed her feeling of contentment, or it's just that she didn't consumed those answers just the way I did (kekeke)... It's not all that cheesy but by that moment I was already being "yayayaaaaaaa~" gleefully (even paused the player to scream~!! lol)
My next-almost-heart-failure-moment;
Buin: When do you think the most of me?Shillang: When it's nearing the shooting day...Buin: . . . (lol)
Buin: Because you're scared?Shillang: I look forward to the day...
See what I mean??
He seems really anticipating the day to meet her, because he get more frequent thinking of her...which means he did thinks of her ALOT by then.....or let me spell that out,
He seems really anticipating the day to meet her, because he get more frequent thinking of her...which means he did thinks of her ALOT by then.....or let me spell that out,
He always thinks of you, Buin!!
He can't wait to see you!! *exhilarated*
I don't know what to say ^___________________^
I sound overly exaggerating things I heard/saw eh?
That was what he tried to say back then....
I'd love to think so ^^
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